Tools I use;
Google Sheets (or Excel)
First, I let many tasks run on the host machine. Once I get a good sample size I open BOINCTasks and go to the History tab
1. I select the HOST computer in BOINCTasks.
2. I select the PROJECT I want to get results for.
3. I select the HISTORY tab.
4. I select the first result, hold shift then scroll down until I reach the desired number of results.
Here you can see where I got to my first result that I want to stop at. As you can see in the close up screenshot notice two things.
1. The tasks I want to copy are all highlighted
2. I stopped where the "USE" column shows .2NV for GPU where I stopped running 5 tasks at once and switched to running 9 tasks at once .12NV
So I am going to right click on the highlighted results and then click "copy selected to clipboard" (Make sure you do not click "copy all to clipboard" because it will copy the stuff you have selected AND everything else)
Once I have done this, I go to Google Sheets and start a new document.
Paste what you copied to the new document.
Then find the column with the run times. Do make note it's best spread the columns up because the overlapping can make it difficult to see what's what. It should be column "D" that you need to copy. Just right click on the column header "D" and click copy.
Then open NotePad++ and paste what you copied into a new document. Should look similar to this.
Now we need to clean this data up in notepad++. So open the "find" window (ctrl + f)
It will most likely open the "find" window, so you'll need to click the "Replace" tab in that window. Then enter the values as you see in the screenshot.
Find what: \((.*?)\)
Leave the replace with blank
Check the regular expression in the bottom left
Click "find next" button on the right and it should highlight the stuff with () and everything inside it. If it does, then click the "replace all" button and all the stuff in parenthesis should be deleted now.
Now select all that (ctrl + a) then copy it all (ctrl + c)
Open a new google sheets document
paste the stuff you copied in there
Now you should have pasted that into column A. Here is what mine looks like, will walk through what I did.
First, I selected Column A. (Click header) Then went to Format > Number > Duration
Do the same for Column B and C (shouldnt be anything in them yet, thats okay)
In CELL B1 (The first cell in B) type this =A1*60 exactly like that, then hit enter. Go slow, Google will ask you if you want to copy it to the cells below and accept that. It should then put that code A2*60, A3*60, etc... all the way down column B.
In CELL C1 (the first cell in C) type this =B1*60 exactly like that, then hit enter. Go slow, Google will ask you if you want to copy it to the cells below and accept that. It should then put that code B2*60,B3*60, etc... all the way down column C.
You have now converted the hh:mm:ss to ss:00:00 where ss = seconds, hh = hours, mm = minutes. So basically we got it down to seconds only. Which is what we want. But we need to get rid of the :00:00 in that column. So right click on the top of column C and click copy.
Then go back to Notepad++, open a new document and paste that in there. Open the "find" window, click the replace tab, type
In the field and click "replace all"
This will give you just the results in seconds.
Highlight all of that data (ctrl + a) and copy it (ctrl + c)
Go back to that Sheets document and highlight column D then paste it in (ctrl + v)
Now in cell E1 type this
Where it says D6007 you need to scroll down your document and find the LAST row number. In my case, I have 6007 rows. So I typed 6007 in there.
Hit enter.
This will give you your average time in seconds based on however many results you are working with (In my case, 6007)