Heres how to get a basic BOINC setup on arch linux going
why use arch linux? Mainly for low system resource usage and also because its fun. All of this guide is ripped from my post in the discord.
1: Install archlinux
sudo pacman -Syu&&sudo pacman -S boinc (here we are updating our repo's and installing the boinc manager)
sudo systemctl enable boinc-client (here we are creating a service for boinc to autostart it)
sudo systemctl start boinc-client (here we are starting boinc)
sudo usermod -a -G boinc [username here, ignore brackets] (here we give our user permission to read the boinc config)
sudo systemctl restart boinc-client
5: boinc ur head off
if you run into weird rpc auth errors do this
sudo chmod 664 /var/lib/boinc/gui_rpc_auth.cfg (here we are fixing permissions incase of arch having weird install paths)
sudo systemctl restart boinc-client